
Pipelines-as-Code configuration settings #

There is a few things you can configure through the config map pipelines-as-code in the pipelines-as-code namespace.

  • application-name

    The name of the application for example when showing the results of the pipelinerun. If you’re using the GitHub App you will need to customize the label on the github app setting as well. . Default to Pipelines-as-Code CI

  • secret-auto-create

    Whether to auto create a secret with the token generated through the GitHub application to be used with private repositories. This feature is enabled by default.

  • secret-github-app-token-scoped

    When using a GitHub app, Pipelines-as-Code will generate a temporary installation token for every allowed event coming through the controller.

    The generated token will be scoped to the repository from the repository where the payload come from and not to every repositories the app installation has access to.

    Having access to every repositories the app has access to is a problem when you install the Pipelines-as-Code application into an organization that has a mixed between public and private repositories where every users in the organization is not trusted to have access to the private repositores. Since the scoping of the token only allow the user do operations and access on the repository where the payload come from, it will not be able to access the private repos.

    However, if you trust every users of your organization to access any repositories or you are not planning to install your GitHub app globally on a GitHub organization, then you can safely set this option to false.

  • secret-github-app-scope-extra-repos

    If you don’t want to completely disable the scoping of the token, but still wants some other repos available (as long you have installed the github app on it), then you can add an extra owner/repo here.

    This let you able fetch remote url on github from extra private repositories in an organisation if you need it.

    This only works when all the repos are added from the same installation IDs.

    You can have multiple owner/repository separated by commas:

    secret-github-app-token-scoped: "owner/private-repo1, org/repo2"
  • remote-tasks

    This allows fetching remote tasks on pipelinerun annotations. This feature is enabled by default.

  • bitbucket-cloud-check-source-ip

    Public bitbucket doesn’t have the concept of Secret, we need to be able to secure the request by querying atlassian ip ranges, this only happen for public bitbucket (ie: when provider URL is not set in repository spec). If you want to override this, you need to bear in mind this could be a security issue, a malicious user can send a PR to your repo with a modification to your PipelineRun that would grab secrets, tunnel or others and then send a malicious webhook payload to the controller which look like a authorized owner has send the PR to run it. This feature is enabled by default.

  • bitbucket-cloud-additional-source-ip

    Let you add extra IPS to allow bitbucket clouds, you can do a specific IP: or a networks Multiple of them can be specified separated by commas.

  • max-keep-run-upper-limit

    This let the user define a max limit for the max-keep-run value. When the user has defined a max-keep-run annotation on a pipelineRun then its value should be less than or equal to the upper limit, otherwise upper limit will be used for cleanup.

  • default-max-keep-runs

    This let the user define a default limit for the max-keep-run value. When defined it will applied to all the pipelineRun without a max-keep-runs annotation.

  • auto-configure-new-github-repo

    This setting let you autoconfigure newly created GitHub repositories. When Pipelines-as-Code sees a new repository URL from a payload, It Code will set up a namespace for your repository and create a Repository CR.

    This feature is disabled by default and is only supported with GitHub App.

If you have a GitHub App already setup then verify if the repository event is subscribed into your GitHub App setting.
  • auto-configure-repo-namespace-template

    If auto-configure-new-github-repo is enabled then you can provide a template for generating the namespace for your new repository. By default, the namespace will be generated using this format {{repo_name}}-pipelines.

    You can override the default using the following variables

    • {{repo_owner}}: The repository owner.
    • {{repo_name}}: The repository name.

    For example. if the template is defined as {{repo_owner}}-{{repo_name}}-ci, then the namespace generated for repository will be owner-repo-ci

  • remember-ok-to-test

    If remember-ok-to-test is true then if ok-to-test is done on pull request then in case of push event on pull request either through new commit or amend, then CI will re-run automatically

    You can disable by setting false if you want to provide ok-to-test on every iteration (only GitHub and Gitea is supported at the moment).

Tekton Hub support #

Pipelines-as-Code supports fetching task with its remote annotations feature, by default it will fetch it from the public tekton hub but you can configure it to point to your own with these settings:

  • hub-url

    The base URL for the tekton hub API. This default to the public hub:

  • hub-catalog-name

    The tekton hub catalog name. default to tekton

  • Additionally you can have multiple hub configured by using the following format:

    catalog-1-id: "custom"
    catalog-1-name: "tekton"
    catalog-1-url: "https://api.custom.hub/v1"

    Users are able to reference the custom hub by adding a custom:// prefix to their task they want to fetch from the custom catalog.

    You can add as many custom hub as you want by incrementing the catalog-NUMBER number.

    Pipelines-as-Code will not try to fallback to the default or another custom hub if the task referenced is not found (the Pull Request will be set as failed)

Error Detection #

Pipelines-as-Code detect if the PipelineRun has failed and show a snippet of the last few lines of the error.

When using the GitHub App, It will try to detect and match the error messages in the container logs and expose them as GitHub annotations on Pull Request.

A few settings are available to configure this feature:

  • error-log-snippet

    Enable or disable the feature to show a log snippet of the failed task when there is an error in a PipelineRun.

    Due of the constraint of the different GIT provider API, It will show the last 3 lines of the first container from the first task that has exited with an error in the PipelineRun.

    If it find any strings matching the values of secrets attached to the PipelineRun it will replace it with the placeholder ******

  • error-detection-from-container-logs

    Enable or disable the inspection of the container logs to detect error message and expose them as annotations on Pull Request.

    Only GitHub apps is supported.

  • error-detection-max-number-of-lines

    How many lines to grab from the container when inspecting the logs for error detection when using error-log-snippet. Increasing this value may increase the watcher memory usage. Use -1 for unlimited line to look error for.

  • error-detection-simple-regexp

    By default the error detection only support a simple output, the way GCC or Make will output error, which is supported by most linters and command line tools.

    An example of an error that is supported is :

    test.js:100:10: an error occurred

    Pipelines-as-Code will see this line and show it as an annotation on the pull request where the error occurred, in the test.js file at line 100.

    You can configure the default regexp used for detection. You will need to use regexp groups to pass the information of where the error occur, the regexp groups are:

    <filename>, <line>, <error>

Reporting logs #

Pipelines-as-Code can report the logs of the tasks to the OpenShift Console, the Tekton Dashboard or if you have your own give you flexibility to link to your custom Dashboard.

OpenShift Console #

Pipelines-as-Code will automatically detect the OpenShift Console and link the logs of the tasks to the public URL of the OpenShift Console.

Tekton Dashboard #

If you are using the Tekton Dashboard, you can configure this feature using the tekton-dashboard-url setting. Simply set this to your dashboard URL, and the pipelinerun status and tasklog will be displayed there.

Custom Console (or dashboard) #

Alternatively, you have the ability to configure the links to go to your custom dashboard using the following settings:

  • custom-console-name

    Set this to the name of your custom console. example: MyCorp Console

  • custom-console-url

    Set this to the root URL of your custom console. example:

  • custom-console-url-namespace

    Set this to the URL where to view the details of the Namespace.

    The URL supports all the standard variables as exposed on the Pipelinerun (refer to the documentation on Authoring PipelineRuns) with the added variable:

    • {{ namespace }}: The target namespace where the pipelinerun is executed

    example:{{ namespace }}

  • custom-console-url-pr-details

    Set this to the URL where to view the details of the PipelineRun. This is shown when the PipelineRun is started so the user can follow execution on your console or when to see more details about the pipelinerun on result.

    The URL supports all the standard variables as exposed on the Pipelinerun (refer to the documentation on Authoring PipelineRuns) with the added variable:

    • {{ namespace }}: The target namespace where the pipelinerun is executed
    • {{ pr }}: The PipelineRun name.

    example:{{ namespace }}/pipelinerun/{{ pr }}

    Moreover it can access the custom parameters from a Repository CR. For example if the user has a parameter in their Repo CR like this :

       - name: custom
         value: value

    and the global configuration setting for custom-console-url-pr-details is:{{ namespace }}/{{ custom }}

    the {{ custom }} tag in the URL is expanded as value.

    This let operator to add specific information like a UUID about a user as parameter in their repo CR and let it link to the console.

  • custom-console-url-pr-tasklog

    Set this to the URL where to view the log of the taskrun of the PipelineRun. This is shown when we post a result of the task breakdown to link to the logs of the taskrun.

    The URL supports custom parameter on Repo CR and the standard parameters as described in the custom-console-url-pr-details setting and as well those added values:

    • {{ namespace }}: The target namespace where the pipelinerun is executed
    • {{ pr }}: The PipelineRun name.
    • {{ task }}: The Task name in the PR
    • {{ pod }}: The Pod name of the TaskRun
    • {{ firstFailedStep }}: The name of the first failed step in the TaskRun

    example:{{ namespace }}/pipelinerun/{{ pr }}/logs/{{ task }}#{{ pod }}-{{ firstFailedStep }}

Pipelines-as-Code Info #

There are a settings exposed through a config map for which any authenticated user can access to know about the Pipelines-as-Code status. This Configmap will be automatically created with the OpenShift Pipelines Operator or when installing with tkn pac bootstrap command.

  • version

    The version of Pipelines As Code currently installed.

  • controller-url

    The controller URL as set by the tkn pac bootstrap command while setting up the GitHub App or if Pipelines as code is installed

    The OpenShift Pipelines Operator will automatically set the the route created for the controller.

    This field is also used to detect the controller URL when using the tkn pac webhook add commands.

  • provider

    The provider set to GitHub App by tkn pac bootstrap, used to detect if a GitHub App is already configured when a user runs the bootstrap command a second time or the webhook add command.

Logging Configuration #

Pipelines-as-Code uses the ConfigMap named pac-config-logging in the same namespace (pipelines-as-code by default) as the controllers. To get the ConfigMap use the following command:

$ kubectl get configmap pac-config-logging -n pipelines-as-code

NAME                 DATA   AGE
pac-config-logging   4      9m44s

To retrieve the content of the ConfigMap:

$ kubectl get configmap pac-config-logging -n pipelines-as-code -o yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  labels: default pipelines-as-code
  name: pac-config-logging
  namespace: pipelines-as-code
  loglevel.pac-watcher: info
  loglevel.pipelines-as-code-webhook: info
  loglevel.pipelinesascode: info
  zap-logger-config: |
      "level": "info",
      "development": false,
      "sampling": {
        "initial": 100,
        "thereafter": 100
      "outputPaths": ["stdout"],
      "errorOutputPaths": ["stderr"],
      "encoding": "json",
      "encoderConfig": {
        "timeKey": "ts",
        "levelKey": "level",
        "nameKey": "logger",
        "callerKey": "caller",
        "messageKey": "msg",
        "stacktraceKey": "stacktrace",
        "lineEnding": "",
        "levelEncoder": "",
        "timeEncoder": "iso8601",
        "durationEncoder": "",
        "callerEncoder": ""

The loglevel.* fields define the log level for the controllers:

  • loglevel.pipelinesascode - the log level for the pipelines-as-code-controller component

  • loglevel.pipelines-as-code-webhook - the log level for the pipelines-as-code-webhook component

  • loglevel.pac-watcher - the log level for the pipelines-as-code-watcher component

    You can change the log level from info to debug or any other supported values. For example, select the debug log level for the pipelines-as-code-watcher component:

    kubectl patch configmap pac-config-logging -n pipelines-as-code --type json -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/data/loglevel.pac-watcher", "value":"debug"}]'

    After this command, the controller gets a new log level value. If you want to use the same log level for all Pipelines-as-Code components, delete level.* values from configmap:

    kubectl patch configmap pac-config-logging -n pipelines-as-code --type json -p '[  {"op": "remove", "path": "/data/loglevel.pac-watcher"},  {"op": "remove", "path": "/data/loglevel.pipelines-as-code-webhook"},  {"op": "remove", "path": "/data/loglevel.pipelinesascode"}]'

    In this case, all Pipelines-as-Code components get a common log level from zap-logger-config - level field from the json.

    zap-logger-config supports the following log levels:

  • debug - fine-grained debugging

  • info - normal logging

  • warn - unexpected but non-critical errors

  • error - critical errors; unexpected during normal operation

  • dpanic - in debug mode, trigger a panic (crash)

  • panic - trigger a panic (crash)

  • fatal - immediately exit with exit status 1 (failure)

    See more: